Thursday, February 21, 2008

That it should come to this!

The headline sent a chill down my spine...

"More bikies charged over grappa shooting!"

That the nights out with the boys should come to this!


martinobhoy said...

Probably just as well we didn't have access to guns in the days of The Gallery....

ginkers said...

I can imagine the fun and games. "HOO-HA!"

Sara Bain said...

Understand there is a bit of a coup d'etat going on between Itlay and Afrique de Sud over whether or not the latter can produce their own grape-baced, brandy fire-water under the sacred title of "grappa". It appears that the Holy Senate is having seizures over the very thought so SA wine producers are looking for a polite compromise that will not offend the European boykies. Being a race of unprecedented innovation, they have come up with "Schnappa", cross between a bad-tempered terrier and a German photographer - no doubt it will take off in a big way ... the South Africans do, after all, make exceedingly good wine!

ginkers said...

I like the sound of it, can you get me a bottle?