Friday, January 12, 2007

Aglio, olio and ....

So, tell me something I didn't know. It turns out that the latest BBC series on food is claiming that garlic is Mother Nature's answer to viagra. The Truth About Food has been running trailers making the claims about the stalwart of Italian cooking pepping up matters in the bedroom.

What is so intriguing about this is that it would answer an ancient conundrum. I regularly go out on a Thursday night and fill myself up with red wine, grappa and garlic-filled food. By the time I get home I always feel, to put it frankly, pretty much irresistible. I had always put this down to the alcohol but clearly the Italian food is playing its part too.

However, with every answer comes another question. What is Mother Nature playing at? Clearly a cocktail of Montepulciano, Grappa San Martino and garlic is her idea of the perfect aphrodisiac. But why has she made the smell of these favourite ingredients so repulsive that the chances of getting within 50 miles of a woman are minimal? The only solution, perhaps, is to ensure your would-be partner has consumed alcohol and aglio in similar proportions...


martinobhoy said...

Funny, when I've been out with you on a Thursday I always thought I was the irresistible one? :o)

Spangly Princess said...

I daresay that if the lady in question has consumed a sufficient quantity of garlic, Montepulciano (or maybe a nice Primitivo?) and grappa, then she might be more likely to share your view.

Because, of course, she will also have been rendered irresistable by this process. Maybe.

ginkers said...


Your charms speak for themself!


I always carry a bottle of red and a couple of cloves of garlic just to make a lady feel special...