Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The where and when guide

Everything, but everything, depends on context. Where and when you do something has a great impact on how it feels. You might think I am hinting at something else but, of course, I speak of grappa.

Definitely has to be at the end of a meal, almost inevitably Italian. In the company of a large group of friends or family is best. Accompanied by a good espresso, of course. Probably served by a dark-haired, tan-skinned waitress (copyright Martinobhoy). A view of a sunset over the Tuscan hills is ideal too. After a Fiorentina victory, preferably over Juventus. With a lot of money in your pocket courtesy of a win on the horses.

Do I ask too much? Never enjoyed all of the above circumstances, but still, one lives in hope.


martinobhoy said...

Had a grappa on my recent visit to Cork and a lot of the ingredients were there - good food, nice restaurant, family but the grappa could have torn the skin off a rhino.

Maybe the Irish still need educating on the complexities of a good grappa. Perhaps I could be the Grappa Ambassador to Ireland? Now there's a thought.....

Sara Bain said...

Reduced to a slug or two of grappa after recent visit to parent's night at the high school. All ingredients there: bad behaviour, poor attention span, tore skin off school's pet rhino. Woke up in a gutter with me knickers round me neck and cork up me nose. Don't think i'll be tryin' it again for a while!

martinobhoy said...

life lines - Fortunately, and as Ginkers will undoubtedly confirm, I have never done anything stupid after a night on the grappa.

ginkers said...


It sounds like a role you were born to. Ferrero Rocher at the Ambassador's reception, feck that!

Life lines

They tell me that's how you always wake up in the morning...