Monday, April 03, 2006

Maybe my interest in grappa can be rekindled after all

In all my times as a grappa drinker I never thought I would live so long as to read this story. Not only has she produced a top notch red wine, apparently a grappa is on the agenda. Mouthwatering...


martinobhoy said...

And just what websites were you surfing on to find this?

ginkers said...

That is between me and my internet explorer history...

martinobhoy said...

The other thing is that I have linked this blog's new home and your one on Italian football from my own

A Bhoy In Leith

so that the two people who read mine but never comment can find their way to your blogs.

Oh and get the time sorted out. Unless you've just moved to San Francisco!

a.c.t. said...

Welcome to blogger. It certainly is much better than 20six but a bit more complicated to get a design. I will get round to it eventually when I manage to figure out the html codes.