Monday, November 12, 2007

Old father time

I feel weary. I am struggling to muster up enthusiasm for anything - even grappa. I can only point the finger at one thing - parenthood.

Children are great, don't get me wrong. Just not all the time. Not 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, etc. Well, they probably are great all that time. It's me that isn't.

Nobody really writes much to prepare a father for how his life will change with kids. One day you watch all the football you like, take long-weekends with your wife/girlfriend (ideally both at once) and go out to the cinema/restaurant/pub. The next twenty years or so - nothing.

Of course, of course the rewards are great but sometimes it seems like such hard work. Now is one of those times. I hope to turn that corner soon...


martinobhoy said...

Give it a few years then send them up to see their scemo uncle Martino...

Anonymous said...

Strange ever since I've become a father I'm drinking more and more grappa? ;0)

ginkers said...


I will take you up on that!


The desire is there but the its the lack of recovery time that is hard to take!